Friday, November 4, 2011

Ghoulish Feast

One of my favorite Halloween traditions I've started in the past few years is our ghoulish feast. We started it in 2009 with the Pughs. Last year we did it again with the Pughs and after it was over, Rog asked who we were going to do it with the next year (because we knew the Pughs would be off at medical school). I didn't know, but I hoped that we would have some friends by then. Luckily Rog was assigned to home teach the Petrosinos and now we are good friends, so of course we had them over for our ghoulish feast. We did it Sunday night because we wanted to take Corby trick-or-treating on Halloween.
For our appetizer we had Caramel Toffee Dip with Halloween-shaped cinnamon chips.
To drink we had Swamp Juice.
For our main course we had brains (roast), carrots, mashed boo-tatoes, and a spider roll.
And for dessert we had the classic dirt n' worms (pictured above) and nutty ghosts.
It was both delicious and a little scary!
We missed the Pughs, but we had fun sharing our tradition with Bill and Mariah.
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  1. Couldn't have done better myself! Looks spooktacular :)

  2. Looks so delicious it's SCARY - hehe

