Sunday, November 6, 2011


Corby was a cute little monkey for Halloween. We went trick-or-treating at Rog's work at lunchtime. He figured it out for the most part, but he wanted to hold onto the candy (especially the suckers) rather than put it into his bucket.
My favorite part of his costume was his little tail.
That night we took him trick-or-treating around our neighborhood. We only did 20 - 30 houses, but that was the perfect amount for him.
His favorite part was knocking on the doors and of course playing with a ball he found along the way.
I wasn't able to get a good picture of him standing there smiling in his costume - he's much too busy for that!
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  1. What an adorable lil' Monkey . . .

    And cute Mom too!

  2. I'v always wanted my own monkey, we will have to come play with yours next time were in town!

  3. That costume (and the little fella in it) is adorable!
    The tail, the tail!

    So much fun when they are little like that!
