Saturday, December 31, 2011

Busy Bag Exchange

Back in November I participated in a busy bag exchange. I made head and tail puzzles. I could have just used a printable found here, but that would have been too easy. I made my own in Photoshop and I love how they turned out.
I did a sea animal set.
And a farm animal set.
{If I were more tech savy, I'd put up a pdf for you to print off if you would like. I don't know how to do that, but I totally don't mind sharing. So if you would like to print these off for your kiddos, just leave a comment with your email and I will send you the jpg files. Don't be shy, I am a blog stocker myself, so I promise I won't think anything of it if we aren't bffs and you read my blog.}
They were due right after Thanksgiving (November 30th) and of course I procrastinated, so I did a lot of frantic cutting. I needed 15 sets. 15 sets x 12 animals = 180 animals to cut out! That's a lot. And then I had to cut them out again after I got them laminated. My only regret is I probably should have done the hard lamination instead of the soft lamination.
15 sets ready to mailed off. It doesn't look like a lot, but it sure did take a lot of time!
I wish I could say I love what I got back, but honestly I was a little disappointed with some of them. Most are pretty nice, but others are kind of pieces of crap. I mean, yeah these are for our kids to play with and possibly destroy, but still I thought people would take more pride in their work. Oh well... I guess you win some, you lose some. Sometimes it's hard being a perfectionist!
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  1. Oh Shauna, can I please have these! They're so so cute!

  2. darling! i'd love a copy :)

    janaeliason at gmail dot com

  3. Too cute, I would love a copy.
    Love your blog, been stalking it since pumpkin whoopie pies :0)

  4. Very cute sweetheart -

    Sorry about being a perfectionist - we know who you got that from!

  5.'s the cruise going?


    No jealousy here, nope, none at all...........

    Seriously, hope you're having fun.

  6. Nope Tracy, no cruise for us. You're not supposed to cruise after 20 weeks, so they are going without us.

  7. Awww, sorry guys...i thought for sure you were among the lucky ones...sailing the seas.

    Well, getting a baby is much better!

  8. They are super cute. I would love a copy.

    Thanks Ali
    azm500 at gmail
