Sunday, January 1, 2012

December Decorations

With all the homemade gift making I did this year (which I will blog about soon), I didn't have much time for other crafting. Not that I didn't have anything I wanted to do because I had a long list. On the top of that list was our stockings. I bought the fabric and even got them cut out, but alas I did not finish them. I am going to make them a priority this month because I know if I wait until next Christmas they won't get done again.
I did get my shadow box done.
And changed up a few things on my table. I found the penguin on the far right at Michaels for half off and I knew he belonged in our home. You can't see it very well, but next to him is a block that has Luke 2: 13-14 in the shape of a Christmas tree. My visiting teaching partner gave it to me last year and I love it in theory, but I can't say I love exactly how she made it. (There's the pesky perfectionist again.) I found the printable here, so one day I will probably print it out and make my own version.
These plates aren't new, but my picture last year was so crappy, I thought I'd post a better one.
Corby loved scattering the pieces of our nativities. He learned who baby Jesus was and loved to pretend to eat him. Yes, you read that correctly. Funniest thing ever and I have no idea where he got it from.
He also loved to point to santa and say, "Ho, Ho, Ho!"
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1 comment:

  1. Wow you're good with wood, paint and glitter!

    Happy Holidays and HO HO HO :)

    Corby you crack me up - hehe
