Sunday, January 8, 2012

2012 Resolutions

Here are our resolutions for 2012.


1. Read 6 books again.
2. Get Peyton's room ready before she arrives.
3. Run the Cougar Run in less than 25 minutes.
4. Finish all 4 of our stockings before December.


1. Ride his mountain bike more.
2. Get at least a 600 on the GMAT.
3. Run the Top of Utah marathon.
4. Find names for us to take all the way through the temple.


1. Learn to really talk.
2. Learn the noises the animals make.
3. Be a good big brother.
4. Love nursery.


1. Be healthy.
2. Weigh less than 10 pounds.
3. Be good at breastfeeding.
4. Learn to roll over and sit up.

And our family resolutions:

1. Go on a date just the two of us at least once a month.
2. Go to the temple at least once a month.
3. Adjust to having 2 kiddos.
4. Update our 72 hour kits and buy a fire extinguisher.

1 comment:

  1. Did Corby approve his resolutions? - hehe

    2012 is going to be a GREAT year!
