Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Rog's Birthday

Rog turned 27 last Thursday. He had to work, but we still fit in some fun things that day. I got up at the crack of dawn to make him cinnamon rolls for breakfast.
Then for lunch we went to Tucanos to use his free meal coupon. After we were finished eating, we played outside for a few minutes because it was nice and warm - very unlike most of his birthdays (at least the ones he's spent in Utah).
While Corbyn was taking his nap, I finished up his birthday cake pops, so they would be ready when he got home from work.
For dinner he requested spaghetti and meatballs. I wanted to make something more special than the regular open a can of spaghetti sauce and brown some meat, so I tried out this recipe.
After dinner we just played as a family and he opened his presents. I wanted to make him a BYU fleece blanket, but all the stores I went to (about 7) had the same BYU fleece fabric and I didn't like it too much. So finally I decided to buy him a BYU blanket made out of sweatshirt material instead.
On Friday afternoon we met him at the BYU bookstore and he picked out a BYU sweatshirt. I had tried to pick one out for him, but there were so many choices and I didn't want to get one he didn't like. He also got a new set of scriptures - the large print ones because he is soooooo old! LOL. After that we ate at 5 Guys with Bill and Mariah.
Happy birthday to the best husband and daddy around! We love you!!
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  1. Roger - you are AWESOME!

    Glad Shauna helped make it a special day for you :)

  2. Thanks for another awesome B-day. Love you.

  3. Happy late Birthday, Roger!

    It's sooo funny how your side of the fam uses the word "awesome" so much. It always makes me think of the hilarious and amazing opening number to the 2011 Tony awards starring Neil Partick Harris...at one point he says "awesome" using this "manly" voice. You must watch it! (on youtube).
