Friday, January 13, 2012

Shelves and Color Me Mine

Last Saturday afternoon KD and Phat Tony came down to help us build some shelves for our garage. With Peyton joining our family, we are going to need some extra storage space.
Corby was a big help pounding in nails.

{I'll post pictures of the finished product after we get our garage organized tomorrow.}
While the guys were doing all the real work, I made us some breadsticks and grilled up some pizzas on the BBQ. Yes, it was freezing, but I couldn't wait until summer.
Then KD and Phat Tony watched Corbyn for us while we went on a date to Color Me Mine. The best part of the date was watching the other couples there on dates - especially the ones who were obviously on first dates. We couldn't help but overhear the conversation between the couple next to us. Let's just say it made us grateful to be out of the singles dating game.
I made the plate and Rog made the bowl.
A huge thank you to KD and Phat Tony for all their help!
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1 comment:

  1. Good thing Papa George and I gave Corby that hammer!

    I'm excited to see the new shelves.

    Nice lookin' plate and bowl :)

    Very thoughtful of you - Phat Tony and KD
