Thursday, January 12, 2012

24 Weeks

I had my 24 week appointment today and everything is going just as it should. I was a little nervous to step on the scale after the holidays, but I had gained pretty much exactly 4 pounds which is exactly what I was supposed to have gained. I had Rog take this picture on Sunday (so I was about 23 1/2 weeks at the time) because it's kind of rare that I get completely ready during the week. And it's more rare that I'm not wearing pajama pants. I'm still in limbo between my regular jeans being too tight and my maternity jeans being too big.
I was comparing this picture to one we took when I was pregnant with Corbyn at 23 weeks and I think they are pretty similar. I know it's pretty normal to get bigger faster with your second child, but I haven't wanted to and so far I think I have been getting my wish.
I have been feeling good. Of course I have those moments that remind me of the fun that lies ahead - definitely not looking forward to the third trimester - but at least for now, those moments are few and far between.
24 weeks down, 16 to go! I can't wait to meet my little Peyton girl!
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1 comment:

  1. Now there's a cute tummy!

    I, too, am excited to meet Peyton :)
