Friday, February 17, 2012

Day of Love

Our celebration of Valentine's Day was pretty low key this year - mostly just a regular Tuesday. Our big date was a spontaneous trip to Walmart to get a few things we needed. (Best time to go to Walmart ever. It was EMPTY!) And after we put Corbyn to bed, Rog studied for the GMAT while I watched You've Got Mail and folded laundry. But I did have some fun with our menu.
For breakfast, heart-shaped Mexican Eggs.
And monkey bread (because it is delicious and Valentine's Day is the perfect opportunity to have dessert for breakfast).
For dinner we had one of our favorite meals. It is easy as can be, yet it looks and tastes pretty dang fancy. CrockPot roast and carrots (someday I'll have to share this recipe with you) with mashed potatoes made in my new Kitchenaid mixer. My mom found an incredible deal (final price $152.80 including tax and shipping) that I couldn't pass up, so I decided to finally get one for myself. It's a birthday present, but it arrived the day before Valentine's Day and I couldn't wait to open it until March 5th!
And for dessert we had strawberry and chocolate nachos with heart-shaped cinnamon chips.
We don't do huge elaborate gifts for Valentine's Day, but I whipped up a little surprise for Rog while Corbyn was napping - made 100% with things I already had. Idea via Pinterest. It's a little message board (in our bathroom because I had paper that matched our colors in there) where we can leave each other fun notes about why we love each other.
Rog got me some daisies and earrings a few days before Valentine's Day and left a card for me in the mailbox to find when we got the mail on Valentine's Day.
And finally, a few days before Valentine's Day I made this delicious popcorn to give out to a few friends. It really does taste just like chocolate covered cinnamon bears from the BYU Bookstore!
I hope everyone had a very happy day of love spent with the ones you love!
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1 comment:

  1. Yummy!

    Next time I'll be sure to visit on Valentine's Day - hehe
