Wednesday, February 22, 2012

February Decorations

Valentine's Day is a fun one to decorate for. My table is pretty much exactly the same as last year except I added a little bear and changed the ribbon on the heart in HOME.
Peyton's nursery is going to be decorated with owls, so I guess I have owls on the brain. Printable here. Kohl's had some really cute decorations that I couldn't resist. This owl...
This cupcake...
And this kitchen towel (that I got for free).
I found this paper at Wood Connection and copied an idea someone else had (that I saw on Facebook) to make LOVE blocks. I love that the paper incorporates more than just the regular red and pink.
And my shadow box. I only have March left and then I'll be done. It's probably a good thing because who knows how much crafting I'll be doing when Peyton comes. Probably not a whole lot at least for a few months while I adjust to having more than one child!
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  1. It is all darling- as always :) I love that you chose to do owls for her room. What color scheme? I thought you said you would do orange and that still right? Lots of these cute owls are pink- so I was just wondering!! Can't wait to see her cute Nursery! Also- I was thinking of the owls and if you wanted to you should make this for her:

  2. Wait... you're having another kid?

  3. Hee, Roger...i think you may have been involved!

    Love the little pink owl, i didn't know Peyton's nursery is going to be owls, how fun!

    Love, tracy

  4. WOOT - Nice job - I love everything! That glitter makes everything prettier :)
