Friday, March 23, 2012

Friday Letters

Corby and Buzz - BFFs.
Dear Spanish Fork Pediatrics,
Thank you for staying open until 8 pm and not charging the urgent care rate. We've never had to use that before, but we were sure grateful for it on Wednesday night when Corby had his first ear infection.
A frugal mom
Dear Provo Temple,
In all the years I've been attending you, I don't think I have ever had such a quick visit as the one I had last night. We couldn't find a babysitter this week, so Rog went on the way home from work and then I went after dinner. I got to park on the front row and there was no wait for initiatory. I always love attending the temple, but not having to wait made my visit especially nice. Because my visit was so quick, I had time to stop at Macey's to get a few groceries for dinner group tonight which meant I didn't have to go today with my little boy. That was also nice.
A lover of temples and not having to wait
Dear Peyton,
We got your crib and dresser last night from your cute little neighbor Lavi. She graduated to a big girl bed, so she is passing her crib on to you. Your daddy is going to do some touch ups on them this weekend and then we can put them in your room! Give us just a few more weeks to get everything ready for you to come and then we can't wait to meet you!
Your mom
Dear Corbyn,

You weren't feeling so well earlier this week. A double ear infection will do that to you and it was your first one. Poor little thing! You've wanted me to carry you everywhere which has been kind of sweet, but soon you're going to have a little sister and I won't be able to do that. I know you don't understand what's happening, but soon you are going to be a big brother and I'm sure you'll be a great one!


Your mom

Dear Rog,

Thanks for noticing that Corby kept rubbing his ears on Wednesday night. I thought he was just being a snot for no reason, but it turns out he had his first ear infection. That's why there's two of us. I couldn't be a parent without you by my side helping me.


Your Wife

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1 comment:

  1. Awww, these letters are so sweet....don't make me cry...again.

    xoxo, tracy
