Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Nursery Progress

I feel like we were actually able to make some good progress on the nursery this weekend. We had a very busy, but productive Saturday.
I ran about a million errands. A few in Spanish Fork in the morning. The bank and a few grocery stores to stock up on some good deals they had going on for the weekend only. Then I finally found a good place to buy vinyl now that Robert's is gone. There is a little store called Signs and Wonders in Spanish Fork that sells a good variety of colors at a good price where I was able to get the rest of the vinyl I need for the nursery.
Then in the afternoon I headed up to Provo/Orem to get some clothes - mostly for Corbyn (his Easter outfit, swimsuit, sandals, etc). I had a coupon for 30% off at Kohl's + a coupon for $10 off a $25 purchase on kid's clothes. (Have I ever mentioned how much I love Kohl's? I don't know how they stay in business with all the sales and coupons they always have going on, but I'll take it!)
My favorite buy for the day...
How cute is that?! Can't wait until I can dress my two kids in their matching shirts!
I also looked for some maternity shorts, but I had no luck! I thought I'd be able to make it through this pregnancy with only maternity jeans, but it seems spring has come early. When I was pregnant with Corbyn I was able to borrow some of the most perfect shorts from my SIL Edda, but this time she couldn't find them in her stash when I went to borrow them. :(
While I was running all my errands, Rog was painting up a storm in our garage. The crib needed more work than we had anticipated, but he did a great job making it look brand new!
He still has to paint our rocking chair - a project for in between conference sessions this coming Saturday, perhaps.
Then on Sunday I was able to finish Peyton's wood letters. I am completely in love with how they turned out.
I still have a lot of projects to get done before Peyton comes, but it feels good to be making progress.
And finally a video that has nothing to do with Peyton's nursery except that it was filmed in there... With the weather warming up, I washed all of Corbyn's new summer clothes and he has started wearing them. This was his first time wearing his new Buzz Pajamas. No surprise, but I think he loves them!
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  1. I am also excited for Corby and Peyton to wear their matching shirts :)

    Nice work on the crib, Rog!

    I absolutely LOVE the Peyton letters - VERY CUTE!

    The video of Corby is so awesome - I think that's his favorite word - BUZZ

  2. Don't worry, almost all the paint I got on my garage floor came off.

  3. Ya'll are so busy and i am a lazy bum!

    That video is priceless, i can't stop watching it!

    "The One Armed Bandit"
