Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Conference Weekend

We had a wonderful conference weekend full of...
*Sword fights and lots of play time with daddy. (Rog did a great job keeping the little guy entertained during the morning sessions. And then Corby took great naps during the afternoon sessions.)
*Projects - I put together this vinyl quote for the nursery.
And Rog painted the rocking chair.
*Bow making.
*Waffle breakfasting with the Riries.
*Trying out new recipes.
Lemon Monkey Bread. I probably should have let them rise a little longer and I forgot about the glaze until after we started eating them, but they were still oh so delicious!
Asian BBQ Chicken with Lime-Cilantro Rice with Pineapple on the side. We did 2 large chicken breasts instead of 8 chicken thighs and we had plenty left over to make Asian BBQ Chicken Pizza for dinner last night. All of it was so good. If you make the pizza (which you really should), make sure you grill it and add the marinade to the sauce - Rog wasn't sure about that part, but we both agree it totally made the pizza!
Savory Spiral Stuffed Rolls. Another keeper. It made a TON, so next time I'm going to make the full dough recipe, but use half of it for these rolls and make the rest into regular rolls.
Funfetti Cake Batter Buddies. I actually made these last week when I was taking dinner to 2 families in our ward and didn't have an oven, but they were too good not to mention. They will change your life. Literally.
*And of course spiritual feasting. Conference was great as usual. I can't wait to get the Ensign and really study all the talks!
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  1. Wow, the delishiousness!

    So, what were your favorite talks? Of the ones i caught, Pres(?) Holland's on envy and being happy for other's good fortune and blessings and Pres Uchtdof's on being judgemental of others' and stopping resentment were two that were v e r y good for me to hear. Exactly what i needed!

    Looking forward to seeing you!

    Love, tracy

  2. Seriously Shauna - Does Roger know how fortunate he is to have a wife that LOVES to cook!
    And You are fortunate to to have a husband who likes to play with Corby:)
    I liked President Uchtdorf's talk too - and any comments made about missionaries :)

  3. Oh, and the bows and vinyl quote are AMAZING!

    Nice job on the rocking chair, Rog!

  4. We're having another guest? That's great! When we met up with Mom's Real Estate Friend and His Wife today i asked if they wanted to come to Easter supper because i was "collecting Easter Orphans"...i never thought it would come true...i hope you all like ham......!!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Your vinyl quote for Peyton's room is so darling!! So excited to see it all put together!!

    Your bows look honestly professional. The student has become the teacher!!

    I wish I was around to eat some of your yummy recipes! We'll have to try a few of them :) Sounds like you guys had a great weekend!
