Friday, April 6, 2012

Five on Friday

1. I am now 36 weeks which means only 3 weeks until Peyton will be here!
2. On Wednesday I got a surprise package with the crib skirt I was wanting in it. It didn't have a name on it, but I have a pretty good idea who sent it to me. I have thanked that person, but if I was wrong and it was you who sent it to me, THANK YOU! It really brightens up the room and I love it!
3. This year I can't get enough of Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs. I have always thought they are much better than the original Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, but most years I am able to resist them better than this year. Good thing Easter is on Sunday and after that, they won't be in the store to tempt me!
4. Yesterday I finished these owls for Peyton's room. I love how they turned out!
5. Tonight we are finally going to see the Hunger Games - I can't wait!
*I have to admit, I didn't come up with these Friday post ideas on my own. My friend, Jana, does Friday Letters and my friend, Rachel, does Five on Friday. I hope they don't mind me stealing their ideas! Some Fridays I will do Friday Letters, some I will do Five on Friday, and some I won't do either - just depends on the week.
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  1. Yes - I agree with Roger! Those owls are ADORABLE :)

    I am kinda sad about the crib skirt you got because I ordered the same one that I was going to surprise you with at your baby shower :( No surprises now :(

    The eggs sound delicious!

  2. Cute owls!

    I was just talking to someone else who said normally she could resist the pb eggs but when she's pregnant, no way! I, on the other hand, consume them at an alarming rate- pregnant or not.

    I'm pretty sure I've come up with about 2 original ideas my entire life, everything else is copying. :)

  3. Those owls are adorable....when you see the eggs we "tried" to dye, you will see why i don't do crafts!

    Darn tax time, i want to stay a few more weeks and meet Peyton in person!!!!

    Sorry about the bed ruffle, you can enjoy returning it...and getting the refund!

    xoxo, tracy
