Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Peyton's Nursery

I still have 2 small projects left do to in Peyton's Nursery, but I don't think I will get to them before she is born, so I figured I would post everything else and when I finish those projects I will post about them. One is an owl door hanging from the Wood Connection that I am going to hang on one of the small walls not shown in any of these pictures. And the other is this owl pillow.

Without further ado, here is Peyton's Nursery. A lot of the stuff I've already posted about as I finished projects, but here it is in its entirety.

I bought this owl pillow on Amazon. It is pretty similar to the one I am making, but hopefully different enough. They will be buddies.

The bookshelf. I didn't know how I would ever fill it up, but somehow I managed.

The pink frame will hold a birth announcement like this one. The little orange owl and the magnet board will hold pictures of Peyton.

Sorry again for the brightness. You'd think I'd learn and take pictures at a different time of day, but this is when Corbyn is taking his nap and I have time to sit down and blog. I finally found a cushion for the rocking chair. It is a tight fit, but it works. And it is pretty hard right now, but I suspect it will soften up as I use it.

The lower portion of this half of the room. I'm pretty in love with the dresser knobs all being different colors. And I love the owl garbage can. Target's bathroom section, baby!

And the upper portion.

This owl rug is completely unnecessary, but it was too cute to pass up. Also from Target's bathroom section.

My original plan was to stick to yellow and orange, but after I found the stuff from Target's bathroom section, I decided to add pink and green. It's a good thing I did because I would have had a really hard time finding some of the stuff in orange or yellow as pink is a much more popular nursery color.

Anyway, I love how it all turned out. It's so bright and cheery! Can't wait to bring my baby girl home to it!
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  1. That is a cute pillowl... get it, Pill-owl :)

  2. You're too funny Roger - hehe - love the pill-owl :)

    I am excited to see the finished product tomorrow - I LOVE how it turned out - I am sure Peyton will love it too :)

    I'm also very excited to see another finished product on Thursday - WOOT! So excited to meet lil' Peyton :)

  3. So lovely and bright and clean! i love it!

    My thoughts and prayers are with you always and especially tomorrow!

    C'mon down Peyton!
