Monday, April 23, 2012


So funny story. This morning I went in for my version. I couldn't eat or drink after 2 am, so I woke up at 1:30 am and had a snack. We had to be there at 9:30 am even though it wasn't scheduled until 11:30 am. They had us look over some paperwork and then put us in a labor and delivery room. I changed into my gown and then we waited for a good 30 or 45 minutes. I read the Hunger Games and Rog worked. Finally the nurse came in and put on those things that measure the baby's heartbeat and contractions. She got my IV going and then gave me a shot of some medicine that relaxes the uterus. Then Dr. Dayton came in to do the actual procedure. He felt Peyton and thought at first her head was up, but then he wasn't sure, so they did a quick ultrasound and guess what?! Her head was down!
So basically I didn't have to go through any of that. Most of it wasn't too bad - other than not being able to eat or drink and the medicine wasn't that great either (it made me SOOOO tired or maybe that was from not having the best night of sleep - either way, I actually took a nap while Corbyn took his nap which I never do).
Don't get me wrong, I am SUPER excited that she turned on her own. I just wish we knew that BEFORE I had to go through all of that! They are going to induce me on Thursday morning. Dr. Dayton checked me and I am now dilated 2 cm and 70% effaced, so that is good and favorable for being induced. Hopefully she will still be head down when we go in!
After we left the hospital I was STARVING, so we splurged and went to Kneaders for lunch (where I got my favorite turkey sandwich and the fruit tart that I love, but can never justify getting) and then Sonic because I was craving a Strawberry Limeade. Pretty sure it was the best meal I have ever had in my lifetime! Being pregnant and fasting really do not mix especially when you are a Ririe.
Anyway, we can't wait to meet our little girl on Thursday! And I am so excited I don't have to have a c-section (at least a planned one - I know you can never rule it out completely because so much can happen unexpectedly). I'll be sure to post as soon as I can after she arrives.
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  1. Way to go Peyton - WOOT! Another tender mercy of the Lord for our family :)

    Grandma Lori is looking forward to being in Grandma heaven very soon!

  2. I was so happy for you when I saw this on Facebook. I've heard trying to get those babies to flip can be pretty uncomfortable. So glad you didn't have to go through it AND got a head down baby (whew!). Good luck Thursday, so exciting! And her nursery is adorable!!
