Monday, June 25, 2012

Father's Day

Father's Day was Corbyn's actual birthday. Because Rog made my Mother's Day so great, I really didn't want to skip the Father's Day part of the day. And since Corbyn is too young to understand what a birthday is, it wasn't really a problem. (In 2018 when he is turning 8 it might be more of an issue.)

I wanted to make cinnamon rolls for breakfast because those are Rog's favorite, but after throwing Corbyn's party the night before, I just didn't have it in me. So I made Monkey Bread instead.

For dinner we went up to my Grandma Ford's house. My parents were there and my Grandpa and Grandma Ririe joined us as well. We had a nice dinner of roast, mashed potatoes, carrots, salad, fruit, and rolls.

I made Butterfinger Nutter Butter Cheesecake Bars for dessert. (Everyone said they were great, but I was a little disappointed. I thought the chocolate on top was too overpowering.) We put candles on Corbyn's piece and sang happy birthday to him. He's actually really good at blowing candles out. (We've been practicing when there is a birthday cake in one of his books.)

We made Rog this tree with Corbyn and Peyton's handprints for the leaves to hang in his office at work and an m&m bowtie.

After dinner we got to see our friends Rob and Anna Paulsen who were in Utah visiting family. It was great to see them even if it was just for a few minutes!

I think it was a good Father's Day for Rog and birthday for our Corb!
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  1. It was a totally awesome Fathers day. The hand tree is hanging up in my office.

  2. . . . and you are so cooperative for your photo, Rog!

    Cute ideas for Father's Day gifts, Shauna!

    Glad we got to spend Father's Day with family - Special memories :)
