Friday, June 22, 2012

Friday Letters


Dear Readers,

We've been having a lot of fun this last week. Corbyn's birthday, Father's Day, seeing old friends, the zoo, 2 year pictures, a running technique class, Seven Peaks, dinner group, softball games, the KLAS summer party... Look forward to lots of blogs coming soon.

A blogger who has lots to blog about

Dear Running Shoes,

Boy have I missed you! It is so nice to pound that pavement and be sore again. We'll be seeing lots of each other as I work back up to a 5K (possibly by the 4th of July) and get back into shape!

A returning runner

Dear Mom and Dad,

Thanks for doing fun things with us this week. It's going to be hard going back to reality next week when you're home in St. George.

Your daughter and her kids

Dear Corbyn,

This last week you turned 2 and that meant you were finally old enough to sit facing forward in your car seat. You are getting so big and grown up. I love you!

Your mom

Dear Peyton,

You are starting to smile more and more and I love it! If we could bottle up your smile, I'm pretty sure it could cure cancer. I love you and your beautiful smile!

Your mom

Dear Rog, 

Sorry you had to work and miss out on most of the fun things we did this week. Thanks for working so hard, so I can stay home with our cute kids. They are pretty cute, aren't they?! I love you!

Your wife
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1 comment:

  1. Dear Shauna,

    Thanks for letting us tag along for your adventures!

    It will be so much better when we move up north - only 13 months to go :)


    Papa George and Grandma Lori <3
