Monday, July 30, 2012


For the first time since March I was able to add some new decorations for the month!

I bought this flag last year. I know this isn't how a real USA flag goes. It should start and end with a red stripe and the light blue stripes should be white... But this is how I wanted to do it!

I found this printable here.

And I added a piece to my July Shadow Box. I love the Utah for Pioneer Day. I will display it no matter where life takes us because wherever we live, my heart will always be in Utah!

Yay for finally being able to finish some crafts again!
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1 comment:

  1. Glad you're able to fit "crafting" back into your life!

    You've got TALENT - Go Girl!

    God bless American - We LOVE Utah - and WOOT for the wooden flag - I absolutely LOVE IT!
