Sunday, July 29, 2012

Water Fun and Pioneer Day

Last weekend started off with some water fun. Friday afternoon our blow-up pool arrived. It looked like it was going to rain, so we set it up in the garage. Corbyn loved it that day and he has loved it every time since then too! That's what we call a great purchase!

Saturday morning we went to Seven Peaks. We took Corbyn on the Avalanche slide for the first time. We rode it many times and each time as soon as we got to the bottom he'd say, "Again, again!"

That night we went to Spanish Fork's Fiesta Days Carnival with Bill and Mariah. We saw this Toy House and knew we wouldn't be able to leave without taking Corbyn in. It was $3 a person, so Rog took him and I stayed behind with Peyton.

Apparently it was the dumbest thing ever and hardly had any Toy Story stuff on the inside. Oh well.

After that we spent $7 on a funnel cake.

And just enjoyed the evening chatting it up with Bill and Mariah.

Peyton got a little dusted in powdered sugar from the funnel cake.

On Tuesday (Pioneer Day) Rog had to work, so sadly it was just a regular day for us. Bill was awesome and agreed to come watch our sleeping kids for us while we went to the fireworks that night. We got a snow cone (tiger's blood, pina colada, and blue raspberry, so it was red, white, and blue) and then found a spot to watch the fireworks. They were supposed to start at 10:15. Unfortunately the rodeo went really long, so the fireworks didn't start until about 10:55. (They couldn't start until after the rodeo was over.) We had told Bill we'd try to be home by 11:00, so we only watched a few minutes and then headed home. It was the first time we'd watched fireworks since the 4th of July in 2009, so even though it was a short show for us, we still enjoyed it.

It was a fun weekend playing in the water and celebrating the 24th of July!
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  1. Corby's turned into a water boy! He even knows his way around Seven Peaks :)

    Yep - Corby had to check out the TOY HOUSE - too bad it wasn't more awesome :(

    The funnel cake looks yummy and you even shared with Peyton!

    Bill and Mariah are awesome - and thanks to Bill for tending while Rog and Shauna enjoyed the fireworks!

  2. Hee, PJ looks a little tiffed that she didn't get any funnel cake!
