Friday, July 27, 2012

Flashback Friday

While watching the Opening Ceremonies of the olympics tonight, I pulled out my scrapbook and found these pictures from 1996. You might recall how that summer the Magnificent Seven won the United States' first gold medal in the Women's Team Competition in Gymnastics. As a 10 year old girl, "gymnastics" became my favorite game to play with my two best friends - Amber and Jenny. We went all out with USA gear, a homemade balance beam, photo shoots, etc.

Ever since then gymnastics has been my favorite event to watch in the summer olympics, but after watching Michael Phelps dominate in the 2008 Olympics, swimming has become a very close second.

Yay for the olympics!
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1 comment:

  1. I remember those days - I love these photos!

    Go USA (and Sweden)!
