Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Sewing and Seven Peaks

We had kind of a chill weekend.

On Friday afternoon I got the urge to sew something, so I decided to sew a crinkle taggy toy. I sewed one for Peyton and then while I was at it, I sewed one for Kiera's baby shower that I was going to on Saturday. I just used materials I had on hand and sewed in wrappers to make them crinkly.

Peyton loves hers! We'll have to wait a few months to see how Brady and Kiera's baby boy feels about his. As far as I know, he hasn't been born yet, but it should be any day!

On Saturday Peyton and I went up to Salt Lake for Kiera's baby shower while Rog and Corbyn hung out at home. When we got home we had dinner (that Rog made) and then headed to Seven Peaks with KD and Phat Tony for the evening.

On the way home, Rog rolled down his window and had his arm out. Corbyn wanted his window down too, so he could be just like his daddy. {Love this picture of him! We never get him smiling and looking at the camera anymore it seems!} Now of course he wants it down every time we are in the car.

There was lots of Olympic watching going on as well. And that was our weekend!
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  1. The crinkle taggy toys turned out AWESOME - NICE JOB once more dear daughter!

    Cute smiles on both of your children's faces - HEHE

    Love you all TONS :)

  2. I like those kids. They are really cool.
