Friday, August 3, 2012

Five on Friday

1. I got out the Jumperoo for Peyton this week. She loves it - even if it does put her to sleep at times! Jumping is hard work for a 3 month old!

2. Last Saturday I finished my 3rd book of the year - The Glass Castle. (The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks was my 1st and I reread The Hunger Games for my 2nd.) I did like it, but it took me a long time to finish because even though I enjoyed it while I was reading it, I didn't feel the need to stay up late at night reading it or use my precious nap time to read it.

3. For my 4th book, I just started reading 11/22/63. I was a little nervous to pick that as my book because it is so long, but I don't think I'll have any trouble finishing it. I haven't been able to stop thinking about it and I have been using every spare second to read it.

4. Last night I found Rog's wedding ring! We had just about given up hope and were thinking of buying him a replacement on Amazon - so glad we didn't!

5. The Olympics have officially taken over our lives. We haven't had anything else going on, so every night we turn them on and stay up way too late watching. Unfortunately because of the time difference, we've had most of the results spoiled before we watch. We've still had lots to cheer for with the Women's Gymnastics team winning the gold, Michael Phelps becoming the most decorated Olympic athlete, and Gabby Douglas winning the All Around!
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  1. Jumping is so exhausting. I usually fall asleep at my desk when I spend 30 minutes just jumping.

    Thanks for finding my ring.

  2. Hehe Rog - better quit jumping at work!

    Shauna, how do you find any time to read? Besides scriptures, the only reading I do is reading my emails.

    Where did you find Roger's ring?

    I've been getting a peek or two at the Olympics also :)

    Go USA!

  3. That is so exciting that you found Roger's ring! Remember when we watched some of the Olympics together in 08? So fun! We were sad we didn't get to see you guys- we were busy with our family reunion for the first part of the trip then we all got the stomach flu, and trust me, you did not want that!

  4. I loved Glass Castle. What a crazy life!
