Saturday, August 18, 2012

Six on Saturday

1. I got my ring cleaned and re-plated this week. I hadn't had it done since our 2 year anniversary, so it definitely needed it. It looks amazing!

2. I found this Toy Story tent on Amazon for only $14.49. It was an instant hit and will hopefully provide hours of entertainment.

{This side doesn't have Toy Story on it, but the other sides do.}

3. Rog had lunch provided at work Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday this week! Corby and I were just a little jealous as we ate PB&J sandwiches, Mickey Mouse chicken nuggets, and leftovers for our lunches.

4. Peyton discovered her feet this week. She also rolled over for the first time. It was a busy week for one so small!

5. I'm now 76% done with 11/22/63 and going stong. I expect to finish in the next week.

6. I painted these flip flops for my mom's birthday present. Love how they turned out!

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1 comment:

  1. The flip flops are adorable and will make a fun, cute summer decoration for our home.

    Thank you so very much dear daughter for being so thoughtful and making something special for my birthday!

    Cute tent Corby and cute toes Peyton :)
