Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Sometimes you make it to the end of the weekend and realize you didn't take a single picture. Not a single one. So even though you did some fun things (splash pad, Seven Peaks, dinner with Grandma Ford and Tracy) a blog without pictures just seems ridiculous.

Sometimes errands can be very relaxing and fun - when they are done without kids.

Sometimes little boys are silly. Toy Story smoothie anyone?

Sometimes monkies taste really good.

Sometimes you miss Happy Hour at Sonic by less than 2 minutes, but you still end up getting a drink.

Sometimes you realize your life isn't perfect, but it is really really good and you wouldn't trade it for anything.
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  1. Sometimes you realize just how great your wife is and you let her know it.

  2. Rog...what a sweetheart!

    i was sooooo happy you all came up for supper...it was a joy to see you and visit with you....PJ is a doll baby and the Corb was just so fun...especially when he "locked" Dad in the den and thought it was hilarious! i loved seeing you all! Thanks soooo much for coming!

    By the way, i thought your life w a s perfect....silly me!

    The blender pic is great!

    Love you all so much,

  3. Glad you got a photo of the Toy Story smoothie!

    Can I have a bite of your monkey Peyton? Looks delicious!

    Sometimes you realize how very much you love your family and how you cherish your times together . . .
    In all honesty, you can change sometimes to frequently!
