Thursday, August 2, 2012


Last weekend my parents came to visit. They came up Thursday night, so we could go to Seven Peaks Friday morning. It was overcast, but we didn't mind because that made it a lot less crowded than normal. Corby dragged me all over both kiddy pools, around the lazy river, and down practically every slide in the water park. He definitely knows his way around and he knows what he wants to do!

Friday afternoon my parents watched our kids while we went to the temple. Bill and Mariah had some family names that needed initiatory done, so we helped them out with those. After the temple we met up at the BYU Bookstore to get us all new BYU shirts. Peyton got her first BYU shirt - in bright pink of course!

Then we headed to Pizza Pie Cafe to celebrate my mom's upcoming birthday (August 1st).

A guy was there making balloon animals. Corby and Rog both got swords.

Saturday we did some projects around the house. Corby helped Rog wash the cars.

That night my parents watched our kids again, so we could go out to dinner to celebrate Bill's birthday at Pizzeria 712.

On Sunday I made my mom a birthday dinner of Honey Lime Enchiladas with rice and Orange Cream Dessert Squares (I had to make them again - they are that good!) before they headed back to St. George.

It was great having them here! They are always so willing to watch our kids and we had fun celebrating my mom's birthday!
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  1. Hee, the balloon is....hilarious!

    Glad you had fun, hope to see you all soon!


  2. New t-shirts????

    Pictures, we want pictures?

    Want to see my new "Big Bang" t-shirts? ;)

  3. Thanks Roger and Shauna for the DELICIOUS Birthday dinner. You truly spoiled me!

    And thanks for always sharing PJ - I love to cuddle with her nestled up close with her head on my shoulder, and also lay her on my lap so I can look at her cute smiling face :) I also cherish the kisses I get from Corby!

    Love you all very much <3

  4. That is my little boy. I love that kid.
