Saturday, September 22, 2012

Six on Saturday

1. Our garage door was broken for a few days this week - most annoying thing ever! Fortunately Rog was able to talk to a repairman on the phone and fix it himself this morning.

2. Peyton has become a little roller this week! Practically every time we put her on the ground she rolls right over. I think it's safe to say that just like Corbyn, her initial rolls from tummy to back were flukes, but her back to tummy rolls are the real deal.

3. On Tuesday night we had some friends from our ward, the Kramers, over for dinner. They have a little boy who is about 6 months older than Corbyn and a baby boy who is about 3 weeks younger than Peyton. He is completely adorable and, if you can believe it, even chubbier than Peyton - 18 pounds at 4 months!

4. My Romney-Ryan decal arrived this week. While I'm usually not that into politics, I really am rooting for Mitt. Ann Romney said in her Republican National Convention speech, "This man will not fail. This man will not let us down. This man will lift up America!" I really believe that. GO MITT!

5. On Thursday night BYU gave us another heartbreaking loss when we played Boise State. We scored in the final minutes, but rather than going for the extra point to tie it up and send us into overtime, we went for the win with a 2-point conversion and missed. Final score: 6-7. Boo.

6. Last night Rog and I were able to go on a date. We went to the Olive Garden for the Never-Ending Pasta Bowl and then to the mall where we each got a new shirt. Cailey watched our kids for us and while it was so nice to have a little one-on-one time together, we were sure glad to see these two cuties when we got home!

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  1. Nice job on fixing the garage door problem Rog!

    Nice job on figuring out how to roll over PJ!

    Bet the Kramers enjoyed a delicious dinner at your place - Did Corby and the older 2-year old get along well? How about the babies?

    Go MITT :)

    Keep trying BYU!

    You went from the never-ending pasta to the never-ending cuteness :)

  2. Gooooo Peyton!! Way to be a roller! That picture of the two of them playing is super cute!

    I'm all for Mitt as well :) Although if things don't go our way I hope that sticker is removable!

  3. Here in the 'hood, there is a Romney sign in this one guy's yard right across the street from the guy with the Obama car sticker. Good fun!

    (i know i'm not Black....can't blame a girl for trying and loving me some Steve Harvey).

    Oh now that you ask....

    Adorable picture!
