Monday, September 24, 2012

Weekend Highlights

*Finished a major internet shopping spree. (New fall/winter clothes for the kids and a few gifts for Mariah's baby shower coming up.)

*Tried out a new recipe - Chicken Enchilada Pasta. It might sound a little odd, but it was delicious. It will definitely be making a regular appearance at our dinner table!

*Nice evening walk to deliver invitations for Mariah's baby shower.

*Crafting while watching Friends.

*Watched our neighbor's kids for a few hours, so they could go to the morning session of the Brigham City temple dedication. (It was broadcast to all the stake centers in Utah and Idaho.) We had 5 kids for a few hours - one 3 year old, two 2 year olds, and two 5 month olds. The older kids played well together and the babies were good, so it really wasn't bad at all.

Their 5 month old is a few weeks older than Peyton. She is long, skinny, and has a full head of hair - quite the opposite of our bald chunk! I couldn't resist snapping a few pictures. Too bad I didn't get any of all 5 kids playing in our living room!

*Vacuuming upstairs. (Hadn't been done since Peyton was born - Yikes!)

*Attended the afternoon session of the temple dedication while Bill and Mariah watched our kids. Corbyn was NOT happy when Mariah was the one to get him out of his crib after his nap! (Not because it was Mariah, but because it wasn't mom or dad.)
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  1. She may be chunky . . . she may be short . . . but she sure is CUTE :)
    Looks like she likes her little friend!

    Sounds like a very productive weekend - nice job on making it a priority to attend the Temple dedication thanks to Bill and Mariah . . . and making it possible for another couple to attend!

  2. To be clear, the upstairs was picked up, just not vacuumed.

  3. Vacuuming upstairs is a big job! It doesn't get done around here a lot either...and when it gets done it's usually Justin doing it. He's pretty good with a vacuum!!

  4. You guys always get so much done during your weekends!! It is impressive! Sounds like you had a great time, as usual! Thanks for the recipe share too :)

    Also, Mariah is going to have a baby?!?! Hooray for her, how exciting!

  5. Wow, you really do have super busy weekends. I'm impressed with all you get done!
