Thursday, November 1, 2012

Another Weekend in Salt Lake

My parents were up for the weekend, so on Saturday we went up to Salt Lake to spend the day with them.

First they watched our kids while we went to the Salt Lake temple to do baptisms. Roger was able to find some family names (with a lot of help from Grandpa and Grandma Phillips) for us to take.

{It was a special treat for me because they only allow endowed sisters to do baptisms if they have family names. When I was at BYU and before I was married, I went practically every week to do baptisms, but that was 5 1/2 years ago!}

When we got back we went over to my Grandpa and Grandma Ririe's to watch the second half of the BYU vs. Georgia Tech game. It was the first away game we've been able to win this season (41-17) - finally!

They gave Corbyn and Peyton each a little Halloween gift. Peyton loved the wrapping paper and worked at it until she got the toy out!

Then we headed up to City Creek. It was the first time for all of us (except Rog). We had dinner at Kneaders and then hit up the Disney store for Corbyn. He immediately found the Peter Pan/Jake and the Never Land Pirates section. (I rented the Peter Pan and Jake and the Never Land Pirates DVDs from our library to get him excited about being Peter Pan for Halloween and I think they are his new favorites!)

 I have a feeling it won't be too long before this little girl is just as excited about the Disney Store as her brother. But of course she'll be in the princess section!

We missed the big fountain show they do every hour by 15 minutes. We couldn't wait around another 45 minutes for the next show, so we'll have to see it when we go see the Temple Square lights this Christmas. Corbyn didn't know what he was missing and thought the little fountains they had going were pretty cool. (Can you find him in this picture?)

Just before we left I spotted these Halloween bags (for 50% off) at Papyrus. I had been thinking I needed to either find or make Halloween bags for trick-or-treating, so it was perfect timing.

On Sunday we fed Peyton solids for the first time, so Grandma and Grandpa could be there for it. There was a little of this...

Some of this...

But mostly a lot of this. (What is this stuff you are trying to feed me? Meh, I am not impressed.)

{Have I ever mentioned that I despise solid foods? It's fine when they finally get the hang of it, but getting there makes me want to pull my hair out!}

As usual, it was great to have Grandma Lori and Papa George here with us!
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  1. I found Corby! Of course, I was the photographer so let's hope so!

    We had a fun weekend and got to enjoy another one of Roger and Shauna's delicious Sunday dinners with their family - Thanks again for the delicious dinner and cookies!

    We enjoyed every minute we got to spend with you guys! I am glad I got some fun photos you could use on your blog :)

    Thanks for letting us be there for Peyton's first solid feeding. Wish I could be there to help feed Peyton - I think I'm up to the challenge - hehe

    Love those trick-or-treat bags you bought - now you're set for years to come!

  2. I'm with you- teaching them to eat food is miserable!!! Until they get the hang of it it is one big long messy mess!! Come on Peyton, learn quick!! The good stuff is still to come :)
