Friday, November 2, 2012


Our Halloween started off with Peyton's 6 month appointment. She had 4 shots and an oral vaccine - poor thing!

From there we headed straight to Rog's work for the annual KLAS Halloween party. A little boy (who happens to be named Peyton) was Jake (from Jake and the Never Land Pirates), so he (and his parents) came trick-or-treating with us around the office.

{Corby is blurry in this one, but I still think it is cute of the two little boys together.}

After the trick-or-treating they had a potluck. I made these cupcakes because they are orange and completely delicious. I pretty much make them every chance I get!

We had our ghoulish feast that night with Bill and Mariah. It was a little rushed doing it the same night as trick-or-treating, so we decided in the future we'll do it the Sunday before Halloween.

I made candy corn pizza, bones 'n blood breadsticks, and bloody punch. Mariah made decomposed salad and apples with caramel dip.

For dessert we had ghost jello (it looked better a few minutes before I took the picture) and leftover cupcakes from the potluck earlier that day.

Then before we could head out trick-or-treating, we had to attempt to get a good picture of both kids together in their costumes. Of course we weren't successful, but you can't blame us for trying.

Corbyn loved trick-or-treating this year. He'd walk right up to the door, knock, say "trick-or-treat," and take one (and only one - even if they offered more) piece of candy.

I'd say it was a successful Halloween!
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  1. Busy Halloween . . . but fun memories!

    The costumes turned out great!

    Cute smiles :)

  2. Love their costumes- they are so cute!! Looks like you had yet again, another successful ghoulish feast!
