Thursday, December 20, 2012

3 Exciting Things

1. Rog was accepted to the University of Utah's MBA/MHA program with a significant scholarship. While the thought of him attending the U makes both of us shutter, we feel like this is the right program to take him where he wants to go. And the scholarship doesn't hurt either.

2. Bill and Mariah welcomed little Charlotte Teresa to their family today. It was a long, challenging journey for them to get her here. We couldn't be happier for them!

3. After a few weeks of many late nights, a dirty house, and a very neglected blog, I am finally ready for Christmas. The presents have been purchased, the homemade gifts have been made, and most amazingly, the stockings are ready to be filled. (I really didn't think that last one was going to happen.) I am so ready to relax and enjoy Christmas. (And hopefully catch up on missed sleep - I'm really tired!)

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  1. Congrats Rog, and your stockings are so cute!!


    Charlotte Teresa is such a lil' cutie! So happy for Bill and Mariah!

    You are amazing, daughter of mine - Hope you are getting caught up on some missed sleep!
