Saturday, December 22, 2012

Simply Having a Wonderful Christmas Time

We've had a busy month celebrating and enjoying the Christmas season. Corbyn has been eating it all up and loving every minute of it.

*Putting up the lights.

*Picking out our tree for FHE. Santa and Mrs. Claus just so happened to be there.

*Decorating the tree.

*Eating tortilla snowflakes at play group.

*Shopping for gifts for dad at the BYU Bookstore (Cosmo's house as Corbyn likes to call it) and then spreading holiday cheer at the BYU duck pond on a warm-before-the-storm day.

*Attending Rog's work Christmas party. Grandma Lori and Papa George watched Corbyn and Peyton for us. Grandma came prepared with a new Play-Doh set - lucky kid!

*Attending our ward Christmas party. Corbyn didn't want anything to do with Santa although he loves seeing Santa from a distance and talking about him.

*Seeing the lights on Temple Square and City Creek.

*Making peppermint rice krispie treats for FHE.

*Driving through the Spanish Fork Festival of Lights.

*Sending out Christmas cards.

*Passing out neighbor gifts - Garlic Bread Seasoning.

We really have been "simply having a wonderful Christmas time!"
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1 comment:

  1. Looks like a whole lot of holiday fun!

    Are you decorating the tree or Corby and Peyton? hehe

    Corby and I had fun making "bones" :)

    Next year when we live closer can we tag along for more of your holiday outings?
