Monday, January 14, 2013


Rog turned 28 on January 5th. It was a Saturday, so we got to play and spoil him all day long!

The day started out with cinnamon rolls, balloons...

and presents! Corbyn was more than happy to help Rog open his presents. He got both Sherlock Holmes movies on Blu-Ray (want), a temple bag (need), a belt (wear), and President Hinckley's Stand a Little Taller book (read).

He also got a special suprise from Corbyn - Captain Hook's boat to go with Corbyn's Jake boat.

Later that morning Corbyn got to go to his very first birthday party for his friend Rhys (who turned 3 on January 2nd).

After Corbyn got home from his party, we took the birthday boy on a surprise activity to Scheels up in Sandy. As an added surprise the Pughs joined us! We rode the ferris wheel. Corbyn was just barely tall enough to ride (Peyton and Elise were too short.), so Corbyn got to go 2 times - once with Rog and once with me.

We also had dinner at 5 Guys with the Pughs which was fun because we used to always go out for birthdays when they lived close.

When we got home, the Petrosinos joined us for cake (white with chocolate buttercream frosting per Rog's request) and ice cream.

That's a whole lot of candles on that cake - we're getting old! But he sure makes 28 look good!
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  1. Thanks for the awesome Birthday.

  2. Happy Late Birthday Roger!

    So, are you a "...little taller" as well as older? ;)

    May see you soon...Lucky, lucy you!

  3. Love the fun idea for displaying the balloons :)

    Nice ideas for the gifts and the ferris wheel looks like fun Corby - actually, it might make me dizzy . . .

    28 - nice numbers - two of my top three favs - hehe 286 would be even better - but wait - that would make you way too old! Better stick with 28 :)
