Wednesday, January 16, 2013

In the Meantine

I am all caught up! Can you believe it? I can't!

While I was working on getting caught up...

*I took Corbyn to get his hair cut. The girl did a horrible job (and not because he was squirming around or anything like that - he does great at sitting still for haircuts). I know I could have taken him back and they would have fixed it, but that just seemed like so much hassle, so I fixed it myself. It still wasn't perfect because she really did that bad of a job, but it was much better. Now that I know I can do it myself, I don't know if I can justify paying $7 to get it done... DARN IT!

*Corbyn has been really into helping me make dinner lately. HOORAY! Sometimes it makes a bigger mess and it definitely takes longer, but for the most part, it is wonderful not having to try to entertain him while I make dinner - especially with him not taking naps anymore.

*We have been freezing our butts off with highs in the teens and lows in the single digits. We've even seen temperatures below zero. So we've been taking lots of trips to the library and doing our best to keep entertained inside. One morning Corbyn decided he was tired of Peyton trying to play with his toys, so he put them in her crib and got in there to play. He didn't stay in there long - I guess he decided it is fun playing with Peyton after all...

*Corbyn's imagination has really been taking off lately. We play a lot of Jake and the Never Land Pirates. Rog is Captain Hook, I am Izzy, Corbyn is Jake, and poor Peyton is Cubby (a little boy pirate). One morning I found an inflatable Jake sword that came with one of his Jake DVDs. He of course loves it!

*Peyton has a new trick - letting go and standing on her own! She can balance for quite a long time. It's only a matter of time until she starts walking.

*We think Peyton is working on getting some teeth - ice has been our very best friend.

*Last Saturday night Bill and Mariah watched PJ and Corby for us while we went on a date to Texas Roadhouse for dinner. We went early and beat the rush, so we were able to get there, eat dinner, and get back in about 2 hours. While they were happy to watch them for us, I'm sure they were relieved we weren't gone too long. They are still getting used to having one kid, so I'm sure three was a little bit of a stretch!

*I added a couple new snowmen to my January decorations (tutorial here). Rog asked me why we needed more snowmen... My response: "Why not!"

And now I am really caught up! Watch for my regularly scheduled Friday posts returning this Friday!
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  1. We'll add beautician to your list of talents!

    Good job Corby helping mommy and finding a secret hideout in Peyton's crib!

    Love the sword!

    Cute lil' Peyton :)
