Sunday, January 6, 2013

Christmas with the Riries

We were also able to celebrate Christmas with the Riries.

They moved the traditional Ririe Christmas Eve party to Friday (the 21st), so we could be there. We had dinner at Sweet Tomatoes and then headed over to my Grandma and Grandpa Ririe's house. Rog gave a little Christmas thought and we read the Christmas story in Luke 2.

We also opened presents. Books for both kids, a puzzle for Corbyn, and a little toy for PJ. Rog and I got money for a dinner out and money that came with the stipulation that we couldn't use it to buy groceries. :)

I had made Brownie Cheesecake Peppermint Bars for dessert, but realized when we were halfway there that I left them in our fridge. Opps!

After we got home from Colorado we had a dinner to celebrate Christmas with my parents and Grandma Ford on Saturday (the 29th). We all contributed a little to the meal - I made funeral potatoes and rolls, my grandma provided the ham, and my mom made green bean casserole.

After eating, we opened presents. Corbyn had a great time running back and forth helping open all the gifts.

Peyton got a few smaller toys like this cute frog and stackable ice cream scoops.

She got the Little People Cinderella Coach that was a hit with both kids. (Someday Corbyn will be really embarrassed by that.)

She also got a bright pink warm jacket (as an early gift that she has been wearing for a few weeks) and a cute purple outfit. That was by far the thing she got most excited about. She was flipping it around and making the most excited noises. (We should have taken a video. It was so cute!)

Corbyn got a set of Toy Story Hot Wheels cars, a BYU shirt, Ratatouille (Rog will tell you that was more for me than for him - it's one of my favorites for some reason, but he likes it too!), a few Jake figurines, and a Jake matching game. As well as the Jake DVDs he got early.

Rog and I both got iTunes gift cards and we all got the Pass of All Passes. And in addition to the Harry Potter audio collection I got early, I also got season 3 of Glee. Rog got money to use on some big ticket items he's been wanting - a deeper sink and new golf clubs.

We gave the kids a bath and put them in these adorable reindeer bath robes my grandma got them.

We quickly had dessert (Ice Cream Brownie Squares with peppermint ice cream instead of mint chocolate chip) and then had to hurry home to get the kids to bed. Corbyn fell asleep looking like a little Christmas boy and he couldn't have been happier!

It's great to live close enough to my side of the family, so we also got to celebrate with them!
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