Saturday, January 5, 2013

Christmas in Colorado

We spent our Christmas in Colorado with the Phillips family.

Rog took Friday (the 21st) off to help me pack and get everything ready.

We made the long drive on Saturday. Luckily we were able to get a few of our Christmas presents from my parents early that we knew would make the drive a little more bearable - 2 Jake and the Never Land Pirates DVDs for Corbyn and the complete Harry Potter audio collection for me (and Rog). We had to make lots of stops for Peyton as she eats every 2 hours during the day, but she made up for it with her pure cuteness. Seriously, could she get any cuter?!

Sunday night everyone came over for dinner and then Santa made a surprise visit! Corbyn wouldn't sit on his lap, but warmed up a little when he pulled a present out of his bag.

Peyton was a very tired girl. To say she was a little upset when we handed her off to Santa would be a huge understatement!

Both kids were happy with their early gifts. A helicopter for Corbyn and a barrel of monkeys (baby style) for Peyton.

On Monday (Christmas Eve) during the day we did some shopping for ornaments and visited Rog's Uncle Rey and Aunt Marillyn.

That evening we had the traditional Phillips family Christmas Eve dinner of egg rolls. We got a picture of all the grandkids in their Christmas Eve pajamas before putting them to bed. We got Christmas morning all set up and then we got to talk to Elder Ririe via a google+ hangout late that night!

First thing Christmas morning Corbyn found his Jake and the Never Land Pirate ship - the one thing he always said he wanted Santa to bring him. It has been a huge hit!

He was an expert present opener this year and opened pretty much all our presents for us.

After presents, the morning was a blur of breakfast and getting everyone ready for family pictures. We were seriously needing a new Phillips family photo as our last one is completely outdated. Martha was only able to be in Colorado with us on Christmas Day because of her job, so Christmas Day it was.

When we got back to Grandma's house, we had another Christmas morning of sorts. The grandkids discovered that Santa had left them each one more big toy for being so good for the pictures. Corbyn got the Little People Amusement Park and Peyton got a baby doll stroller.

Cousin Jaxon's trampoline was a huge hit.

Then they opened their presents from Grandma and Grandpa. Each of the boys got a HUGE pillow pet. Corbyn's is a giraffe that both he and Peyton love. Peyton got a dragon popper toy and her very first doll!

We also did our sibling gift exchange. Rog got a new Camelbak reservoir from Phat Tony and I got We Bought a Zoo from Irving.

We had a nice dinner and then spent the rest of the day relaxing. Before bed we had to try out Dixie's new dino toss game. (It's a classic game from the cabin. You toss plastic dinos in a pail and whoever gets the most in wins. It might sound a little silly, but it's awesome and totally addicting!)

On Wednesday morning we had a mini cookie party. At one point Peyton got her hands on an open jar of sprinkles and poured them all over herself!

Everyone met up at Crave for an early dinner. Rog got his favorite - a burger, egg, and bacon between two glazed donuts - and I got the Mayan Apocalypse special - burger, chicken nuggets, tomato, lettuce, chipotle mayo, and avocado. It's a good thing we only eat there once a year!

We gave Corbyn and Peyton baths at Rex and Edda's house and borrowed some pajamas which of course meant that Peyton was our baby boy for the night. That's what happens when you're the only girl cousin in the family!

I took the kids back to Grandma's house, put them to bed, and got everything packed up while Rog stayed behind and watched the new Batman movie in Rex's theatre.

On Thursday we made the long drive back to the freezing, snowy tundra of Utah - we got an unreal amount of snow while we were gone (and since we've been home) and it has been so so so cold!

We had a fantastic trip. Grandma Dixie went all out this year and really made it a Christmas to remember!
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  1. Fun Christmas! I love the pictures of Peyton in the car :)

  2. WOW - What a fun Christmas for your family!

    Nice job keeping the camera handy -

    LOVE the photos :)
