Friday, January 25, 2013

Five on Friday

1. Peyton discovered the toilet the week and loves splashing in the water. She also has been practicing walking with her walker like crazy - I'm betting it won't be too much longer before she's doing it on her own! She's a busy little one!

2. We got our carpets cleaned on Tuesday. They weren't noticeably bad, but we hadn't had them cleaned since we first moved in and I figured it was time. Monday night we moved everything and vacuumed in preparation for them being cleaned. Corbyn loved running around in all the wide open space.

3. Yesterday Corbyn had his rescheduled dentist appointment. He did awesome! He let them take X-rays and clean his teeth. (He didn't last time.) And he even sat in the big boy chair all by himself when the dentist checked his teeth. (Last time I had to hold him in my lap.) He didn't have any cavities and the dentist said to just keep doing what we're doing because his teeth look awesome - music to my ears!

4. Last night we had a soup sampler for my dinner group. I made Creamy Chicken and Wild Rice Soup which is always a crowd pleaser. We didn't meet in December, so it felt good to have a girl's night out again.

5. Yesterday while feeding Peyton I noticed that she is 39 weeks old. (The app I use to keep track of her feedings keeps track of her age in weeks otherwise I never would have realized.) She was born at 39 weeks, so now she has been outside longer than she was inside!
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1 comment:

  1. Woot for Peyton turning 39 weeks - and tomorrow she'll be 9 months! Good job with the walker too - looks like you'll be the earliest walker in our family - even beating your Mom who walked at 10 1/2 months!

    Nice job at the Dentist Corby - You are such a big boy! You're such a mover that you're just a blur - hehe

    The soup sounds delicious!
