Thursday, January 24, 2013

St. George

Last weekend we were able to go down to St. George and escape the cold for a few days. Like all good visits to St. George, this one included:

*A golf game for Rog.

*Finding the perfect cabinet for Peyton's play kitchen at the Habitat for Humanity ReStore and starting work on it.

*Spending time with Roger's grandparents. (They were supposed to come to Colorado for Christmas, but couldn't at the last minute because of some health issues, so it was especially good to be able to see them!)

*A good game of Chicken Foot.

*A trip to the temple to do sealings.

*Corbyn in a big bed.

*Eating out - Village Inn and Cafe Rio.

*Old school VHS Disney movies.

*2 glorious runs outside for me in weather that was not freezing and air that was not disguisting!

*Swedish meatballs in honor of the Jar.

*Playing with the Jar's old legos.

*Cinnamon Roll Sugar Cookies.

It was a great weekend getaway!
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  1. Looks like a fun getaway for sure! Glad you got a little bit of R&R in :) The cabinet for Peyton looks perfect!! Can't wait to see what it transforms into.

    ps- thanks for sharing the spanish rice recipe!! I'm excited to try it out!

  2. We had such an amazing time with your family!
    Thanks for coming to visit - WE LOVE YOU <3
