Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Sick Girl Weekend

We had one sick little girl this last weekend. We debated all Saturday morning if we should take her to the doctor and finally we decided we should. I had a Super Saturday Relief Society activity, so Rog took her (and Corbyn tagged along). It was a good thing we decided to take her in - double ear infection and bronchiolitis. She's such a little trouper when she's sick. The one time Corbyn had an ear infection, he made it painfully obvious - screaming his head off. This girl is a silent sufferer.

She's been much better this time about taking her medicine although she still hates it... Or maybe we've gotten better at forcing it down her throat. Either way, she's feeling much better.

My Super Saturday Relief Society activity was all about Emergency Prep (72 hour kits, food storage, CPR, and the like). I left feeling like, "Oh man, if we ever have an emergency we're probably just going to die because how can we ever really be prepared?" But it was good. Now I just have to find time to do something about getting us more prepared!

After I got home from that we headed up to Salt Lake. My parents watched our sick girl and the Corb while we ate at the Cheesecake Factory for our Valentine's Day date.

On Sunday my mom turned her MacBook Pro over to me and we could hear the poor thing screaming, "No, don't leave me here! These people kill computers!" It is what it is. Sad, but true.

I took a power nap when Peyton went down for her afternoon nap. When I got up, I found Rog and Corbyn making cookies together. They actually turned out better than I thought they would. (I did have to help them a little with the amount of butter to use, but the rest was all them.)

And that was our weekend.
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  1. Ahh, poor sweetie...she really is a trooper when she's sick though...I've seen it for myself. What a sweet picture with Rog.It was fun to see you all, if only for a little while. Had fun with Corby and his "popsicles".

    Love the computer's thoughts!

  2. Dear MacBook Pro,

    I have never killed a computer. You really need to watch out for Chief and Corby. Good luck.


  3. Roger,

    i love what you wrote! :)

  4. Oh no! Where's "Five on Friday?"

    Love, A Fan

    PS Found that book and am excited to start it!

  5. Glad Peyton got over her ear infections. I enjoyed tending the kids while you went on your date!

    Hopefully your new MacBook Pro will be a survivor and will stay away from any liquids :)
