Saturday, February 16, 2013

Six on Saturday

1. I finished my 1st book of the year - Matched by Ally Condie. I can't say loved it, but I did enjoy it. I will read the other 2 books in the series, but probably not immediately.

2. A big shout out to Elder Jar who was called to be an Assistant to his Mission President (AP). In his email home he said he never imagined serving as an Assistant, but it didn't come as a surprise to any of us. He's about as good a missionary as they come!

3. We have a big vacation coming up next week, so we tried to stay home as much as possible this week to keep the kids from getting sick. It turned out I wasn't very good at it. I tried to run my usual errands at night, but some just had to be done during the day. While we were home, Peyton started pushing her doll stroller around the house (cutest thing ever) and the humidifier was a big source of entertainment.

4. It was a big week for cooking. For Mardi Gras on Tuesday I made Jambalaya and Beignets. On Wednesday I took dinner to two families in our ward (in addition to making dinner for our family). I also made and decorated sugar cookies for Valentine's Day. By the time Valentine's Day dinner rolled around I was totally burnt out, so we had a heart-shaped pizza from Five Buck Pizza.

5. Unfortunately our neighbor wasn't able to get my data from my MacBook Air (probably because he was using a hard drive reader specific to the MacBook Pro). He suggested I take it to the Apple Store, so on Friday morning we headed up to Fashion Place. They don't actually do data recovery at the Apple Store, but they opened it up and surveyed the damage. The hard drive looks fine, so they told me to buy a hard drive reader specific to the MacBook Air. It was only $48, so I figured I'd give it a try. Crossing my fingers that when it comes (I had to order it online), it will work!

6. Because Peyton is walking, she needs to start wearing real shoes (especially with our vacation coming up next week). She has teeny tiny feet (like a size 2) and guess what, they don't make real shoes in that size. I went on a search this week and finally found the cutest little shoes for her in her size on Amazon. Right now she hates them - when we put them on her she whines and doesn't want to stand up or walk. Hopefully she'll come around to them soon!

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  1. SUCH a bummer about your computer!! Fingers crossed that it all works out when it comes in the mail :)

    It's funny that you just finished Matched! I just finished the second book, Crossed this past week too. I actually really liked Matched but I thought Crossed was only okay. Maybe it was because I read them too far apart! Who knows.

    Have the BEST time on your trip! I hope everyone will be in great health and that Peyton will learn to love those adorable shoes!

  2. Pediped and Robeez soft-soled shoes are my favorite for new walkers and they both come little :)

  3. Those are super cute shoes!! We have lots of little girl size 2 floating around here. Have fun on your trip, wherever it may be!!

  4. Still haven't figured out how you find time to read books - but WAY TO GO!

    WOOT for Äldste Jar - such great experiences await him!

    We were very fortunate that we were all healthy for the vacation - NICE

    Cute photos of my grandbabies :)

    You are such an awesome cook!

    So glad that the hard drive reader worked and you got all your data back!

    Good choice on the shoes - and we didn't even lose one on our vacation! That was a miracle considering Peyton liked to take them off!
