Friday, March 29, 2013

Five on Friday

1. On Tuesday I got out our new camera to take Peyton's 11 month pictures. For some reason it would not work at all. I hadn't spilled water on it, dropped it, or even let my kids play with it, so I had no idea what was going on. I messed with it and stressed for a good hour while I waited for Rog to get home. I wasn't too worried because we purchased the accidental damage protection plan, so basically if anything happens to it, it's covered. But you have to send it in, wait for it to be fixed, and sent back, so I'd be without it for at least a week, if not more - which isn't ideal. So Rog gets home. I show him that it won't work. He takes it from me and boom, it magically starts working. What the crap? Still don't know what was wrong or what he did, but it has worked fine ever since then! Apparently he has the midas touch.

2. Also on Tuesday Rog grouted our back splash. He still has to seal it, so it's still not 100% done, but it's pretty dang close. We're so glad we went with the green grout - it really makes it. (My idea, thank you very much!)

3. The past 2 weeks yogurt has been a good price at Macey's, so I've been buying it. Corbyn loves it and would eat it all day long if I let him. I have to fight with him to get him to eat anything else. It's good because he hardly drinks any milk and needs more calcium, but there's so much sugar in it! I wish I could just get him to understand that he can have one a day and no more! I've decided that after it's gone, I won't be buying more (at least for awhile) because it's just too much of a problem. Sigh.

4. Yesterday we had Corbyn's play group for the first time in about 2 months. Before Disney World we didn't have it because I didn't want him to get sick for our trip. And then after he's been sick almost constantly and we needed to figure out a new time because our ward scheduled a play group at the church at exactly the same date and time we used to have our play group. (We can't attend the one at the church because it's right during Peyton's morning nap, but the other 2 kids we do our play group with can.) It had been a long time since Corbyn played with kids, so he was in heaven!

5. Last night Bill and Mariah watched Corbyn and Peyton, so we could go to the temple. We did initiatories and unlike last time I went, we were both in and out with almost no wait. We stopped for drinks at Sonic on our way home and came back to find that our kids were perfect angels while we were gone. It was a perfect night at the temple!
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  1. We call the fix-it by touch "Dad Power". Zack's dad does it for him all the time, and now Zack does it to us. Weird. At lease "Mom power" is being able to find all things lost.

    Your back splash looks awesome!! I love the colors you chose for it and it makes a big difference, so fun!

  2. Re your camera. The very same thing happens with the big tv at G-ma's house. i mess it up and "Bazinga", your mom can fix it in a second, while i go days trying to figure out what's wrong!

    i am Midas in reverse....

    You always amaze me with all you do!

  3. If yogurt is Corby's biggest vice, i wouldn't worry....wait 'til he's a teenager and is in chip Heaven!

  4. Hope the camera hasn't given you any problems since then - I'm surprised Fix-it Felix (Corby) couldn't fix it - hehe

    Nice job Shauna on selecting the perfect back splash - and nice job Roger on getting it on the wall and grouted!

    Is Corby still grounded from yogurt - hehe

    Happy, and handsome, little group of toddler boys!

    WOOT! for attending the Temple - Corby and Peyton are always perfect angels, aren't they?
