Monday, March 11, 2013

Royal Family 5K

Saturday morning (February 23rd) Diana and I ran the Royal Family 5K. It just so happened to be the weekend we were there, so we figured we'd run it.

We had to be there EARLY, very EARLY in the morning. I tried to go to bed early the night before, but tossed and turned for a few hours before I finally fell asleep. Luckily I did sleep well when I finally did fall asleep.

It was probably the largest 5K I've ever run (as far as number of runners go). There were 5 different groups that started about every 10 minutes. Diana signed up before I did, so she was in the first group to start and I was in the second group. So we didn't get to run together which was a bummer.

The course went all through Epcot.

When Rog and I ran the Disneyland 5K back in 2009 we were able to stop along the way and take pictures with different characters. This time there were characters, but I would have had to wait in a huge line to take my picture with them, so I just kept going. Luckily Mickey was waiting at the end, so I found Diana and we got a picture with him then.

It was a fun 5K!
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1 comment:

  1. Run Shauna Run
    Run Diana Run

    Love my two beautiful daughters!
