Thursday, April 4, 2013

Celebrating Easter

We spent our weekend celebrating Easter.

Friday evening was golf for Rog and my dad. Bubbles and chalk for the rest of us.

And later an impromptu date night watching The Proposal.

Saturday morning was the Spanish Fork Easter egg hunt. Both kids ended up with a few eggs, but they went FAST!

Corbyn insisted we play at the park before we went home.

Peyton thought the slide was just eh, but loved swinging.

When we got home we dyed eggs. Peyton was supposed to be taking a nap, but she didn't want to miss out on the fun.

We did a few errands in Orem (Kohl's, Bed Bath and Beyond, and Old Navy) before heading up to my Grandma Ford's house for another Easter egg hunt. Corbyn dominated, but Peyton understood the concept better than Corbyn did for his first Easter. What a difference a few months makes.

We went to Little America for our Easter meal with my parents and grandma. Corbyn said he wanted a hot dog and even though I was sure he wouldn't eat it, we ordered it for him. Go figure, he ate the whole thing! What do I know anyway? After Corbyn was done with his meal, Peyton got her hands on his fries. How could we say no to this face?

We finished the day at a wedding reception for one of Rog's old roommates, Handsome Rob. We had a really hard time finding it and almost gave up, but we did finally find it and had a great time catching up with old friends from our Monticello apartment days.

Sunday morning the kids woke up to find that the Easter bunny had visited.

Corbyn got some Jake and the Never Land Pirates figurines - Jake, Cubby, and Izzy. As soon as we opened them for him he ran over to put them on Bucky. He also got a mini basketball and Have a Laugh (a collection of old Mickey Mouse cartoons - he watched them in our hotel room at Disney World and thinks they are so so funny).

Peyton got some mini Princess board books (she loves Corbyn's mini board books, so we thought we should get her some of her own), the book I am Ariel, and a princess fork/spoon set.

The Easter bunny also hid some eggs.

And yes, that was 3 Easter egg hunts in 2 days.

Peyton loves our Easter stuffed animal collection. She fits in perfectly with them.

While I was getting ready I decided to listen to Elder Holland's talk, The First Great Commandment, from last October's General Conference. It is a beautiful talk and it really helped me get in the right spirit for the day.

After Sacrament Meeting we came home for a few minutes to get the ham in the CrockPot and send my parents back home to St. George.

We also attempted a family Easter photo, but it was not meant to be. I was sure glad we did pictures in the kid's matching Easter outfits with the Easter bunny the week before! We did get a cute one of me and my little girl.

And some good ones of Corbyn playing with the bubble gun he got from Great Grandma Ford. He loves that thing!

Then Peyton and I headed back to church for Relief Society. Rog and Corbyn were supposed go up to Saratoga Springs to help Taylor and Martha finish moving in, but right as they were leaving they called saying that they were done. So they went and checked out my parent's lot with them for a few minutes instead. (They have decided to build a new home in Spanish Fork - just about 4 minutes from us! We are so excited!)

That night we had Bill, Mariah, Charlotte, Taylor, Martha, Phat Tony, and KD over for a traditional Easter dinner. I made Slow Cooker Maple Brown Sugar Ham, Word's Best Dinner Rolls, Creamy Fruit Mousse, Citrus Water Punch, and Carrot Cake. And Bill and Mariah brought mashed potatoes, salad, and deviled eggs. It was a delicious feast if I do say so myself!

We had a great time celebrating, but more importantly it was good to spend a few days focusing on the atonement and resurrection of our Savior. We tried to explain it all to Corbyn, but I think he's still a little young to really get it. I ran out of time this year, but next year I want to make something like this to help teach him. (Thanks Rachel for the idea!)
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  1. It was a fun and busy weekend.

  2. Fun weekend! That picture of you and Peyton is so, so cute

  3. Looks like fun!! I agree with Rachel, the picture of you and Peyton is darling. How cool that your parents are moving to Spanish Fork! Does that mean you feel compelled to stay there forever too?? When will the house be finished? Very exciting!

  4. Little French fry face looks soooo cute!

  5. Oh, nosssss, someone stole all the trees fom the lot!!!!!!

  6. All the adorable photos make me happy we were able to come up for Easter weekend :)

    Corby is a great Easter egg finder and Peyton is too considering her age :)

    I love Corby's and Peyton's bright yellow Easter outfits too!

    Emily - I wish that we could get started on our home! We are patiently waiting for the price list for the new phase we want to build a home in. We did put some money down on the lot and hope things get happening soon! We are thinking they will finish in July assuming they release a price list in the near future! We are excited to live close to Roger, Shauna and the kids and think we can be a big help to them if we live close. We are excited that Jared will be back at BYU in the fall after completing his mission. We are sad that we can't live close to Jason, Diana and Blake.
