Saturday, April 6, 2013

Six on Saturday

1. On Monday this recipe for Hawaiian Fried Rice showed up on Mel's Kitchen Cafe. I had ham from Easter to use up, so I made it that very day. It was really good - like I won't just be making it when I need to use up some ham good.

2. Peyton took a little tumble this week and got a cut right under her eye. It's one of those things that looks a whole lot worse than it actually is. Everyone asks me about it and as there isn't really a very exciting story to go along with it, I've gotten really sick of it. Luckily it's getting better every day - soon our little scar face will be a scar face no more!

3. On Wednesday Peyton's little friend, Calla, turned one and her family invited us over for a little birthday party. Calla's brother, Rhys, is one of Corbyn's best friends and as these two are only a couple weeks apart, they are pretty much destined to be best friends too. Peyton was very interested in trying out Calla's cake. She'll be giving us a pretty good show in a couple weeks (unlike Corbyn who didn't really want anything to do with his cake)!

4. We spent a lot of time at different parks and the swings this week. Corbyn is way too big for a baby swing, but will always pick a baby swing over a big boy swing given the choice. One of the times we went, a little girl was using the baby swing, so I jumped at the opportunity to get Corbyn used to the big boy swing. He loved it and has been asking for the big boy swing ever since!

5. On Thursday I went to hear the Food Nanny speak at a Stake Relief Society Activity. I'd never heard of her before, but apparently she's pretty famous. What she teaches isn't too different from what I've been doing already and I wholeheartedly agree with her quest to bring families back to the dinner table. It was a really enjoyable activity.

6. I finished my second book of the year - Crossed by Ally Condie. It's the second book in the Matched trilogy. I know I said I probably wouldn't read it right away, but I hadn't started reading anything else, so I figured, why not? I actually liked it more than the first book because I thought it was less predictable.
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  1. Mel's recipes rarely disappoint...I'll have to try the rice too! And Stockton still prefers the baby swing too...he won't even try a big boy swing, maybe Corbyn can rub off on him!

  2. i remember when Sam was itty bitty and he got his first scratch under his eye....Chris tried to hide his dismay by saying it made him look "tough"....Ahhhhh, the goood old days!

    Were we e v e r that young......?

  3. "Scarface" still looks cute as ever! i am having trouble finishing the secound book.....maybe because two of my favorite aurthors (sp?) have books out now or soon!

  4. Miss you guys :(

    Please tell Corby and Peyton that Grandma loves them <3

    Looking forward to Peyton's 1st birthday party - I'm thinking she will be a little more excited about eating her first birthday cake than Corby was :)

    You have a good memory Tracy - impressive!
