Friday, April 12, 2013

Five on Friday

1. Peyton's birthday is 2 weeks from today, so it's crunch time to finish her play kitchen. I've spent almost every night this week out in the garage priming and painting.

2. I decided to try out my green thumb this year by planting a tomato plant and a few flowers in pots on our front porch. I have pretty much no idea what I'm doing and the kids in our neighborhood are known for picking flowers, so I have pretty low expectations. If I get any tomatoes at all, I'll consider this experiment a success!

3. Corbyn used to love hanging out in the kitchen sink, so I let Peyton try it out. It's so deep now, she could practically take a shower in there!

4. I watch Charlotte for Mariah every other Friday while she goes to a work meeting. Today Charlotte was awake and happy for more of the time she was here, so Corbyn and Peyton had an opportunity to check her out. (Most of the other times I've watched her she's either been asleep or held the whole time.)

5. We enjoyed a beautiful, warm afternoon at the park today. It made up for Peyton being a total grump this morning after waking up super early. (She is working on some more teeth - we think.)

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  1. Paint Shauna Paint!

    Grow Tomatoes Grow!

    Taxes Grandma Lori Taxes! (Please let me have a break to look at Shauna's blog!)

    Yep - Peyton could have her baths in the sink but Corby's a little big to join her

    Cute lil' Charlotte - What does Peyton think of someone who is smaller than she is?

    Love the cute photos of Peyton and the top of Corby's head - hehe :)

  2. Play kitchen looks like it's going to be awesome, can't wait to see the finished product!

    I totally have plants to do a tomato plant as well :) Haven't started yet because WI still thinks it's winter, so when the frost is FINALLY gone, I'll get going!
