Friday, April 19, 2013

Weekend sans Pictures

Last Saturday was Rog's mom's birthday. She was in town for Taylor's graduation from BYU-Idaho (on Friday), so we got to spend the day with her and many of the Phillips (Mike, Taylor, Martha, Anthony, and McKae).

In the morning I hurried to put together a little craft for her. It had been on my list all week, but didn't get done until that morning. (I have pictures of it, so technically it wasn't a weekend completely without pictures. But I'm making the same thing for my mom's birthday, so I can't post them until August.)

8/20/2013 Update: Now that my mom got her version of this present, here is Dixie's - modeled by the Corbs.

We met them at the Traverse Outlets in Lehi and did a little shopping at Carter's. Dixie bought Corbyn a block puzzle - he loves puzzles and it was a big hit!

We went over to Taylor and Martha's town home in Saratoga Springs and did FaceTime with Kenzie. She had an ultrasound to find out if she is having a boy or a girl... It's another boy - meaning there will be 7 boys and Peyton the lone girl.

We had dinner at Texas Roadhouse. Dixie made it very clear we were not to tell them it was her birthday - no saddle action for her!

 On Sunday after church we took dinner to my Grandma Ford. We had a good time visiting with her. 

It was a fun weekend with family (even if we have no pictures to show for it)!


  1. Glad you had some fun times with the Phillips clan last weekend!

    Now you've got me curious about my birthday gift - I'm excited to see what it is :)

    Looks like Peyton will retain her crown as the sole granddaughter - at least for now :)

    Thanks again for taking dinner to Grandma - you guys are so thoughtful!

  2. My mom's grandma is a Ford, wonder if we're related. :)

  3. I guess we are just going to have to teach Peyton to play football, soccer, and baseball with the boys! She can try to teach them to dance, but it might not be as successful :-)
