Friday, May 10, 2013

PJ's Birthday: The Play Kitchen

When I found out I was having a girl, I was excited for many reasons - one of them being that I could make a play kitchen! There's no way Rog would have let me make one for Corbyn; however, I knew he would love playing with one. So even though Peyton is a little young to really fully enjoy it now, Corbyn is at the perfect age and since there isn't much you can give a 1 year old, I thought I'd make it for her first birthday.

We found the cabinet at the Habitat for Humanity ReStore in St. George. I pretty much copied this play kitchen I found on Pinterest, but I also got a lot of ideas from the play kitchen Emily made for Elise. It is modeled after our kitchen because that's where it will be until we move into a bigger house and have a play room to put it in.

We made a couple trips down to St. George, so Rog's grandpa could help us with the initial big adjustments we made to it. He helped us build the counter, install the board to divide the two halves, drill the hole for the sink, and drill the hole for the oven door. We couldn't have done it without him!!

After all that, I did a lot of sanding.

Bless you Dewalt Sander! I can't even imagine sanding the whole thing by hand!

We spackled like crazy.

Then primed, painted, and sealed everything with a polyurethane sealer. The only actual paint we had to buy was the black for the oven. The green counter is the green from our kitchen/living room and the brown is from our bedroom. The silver was just a little acrylic bottle I had from past projects.

I may have gotten paint in my hair a few times getting in there to paint every nook and cranny.

Rog was my awesome assistant through the whole thing, enduring many late nights and putting up with my perfectionism - like having to replace all the hinges with new silver ones.

Here's the finished product.

The sink is a bowl we got for our wedding, but never used very much. And the faucet is our old faucet from before we got our new awesome deep sink. We originally had the faucet to the left of the sink, but I decided some counter space would be nice, so Rog filled in those holes and drilled new ones. Yeah, I told you he was awesome!

The burners are just wood plaques from JoAnn. I used my Cricut to cut different-sized circles in vinyl to give it the burner look.

I put hooks on the side to hang cooking utensils. We originally had 4, but we've already lost one. Peyton is in that really awesome stage where she throws everything away, so I assume that's where it is. Corbyn is pretty sad about it, so I'm sure we'll be finding a replacement eventually.

And the other side has hooks for the oven mitt and hot pad I'm going to make. I wanted to make them before her birthday, but ran out of time.

We installed a shelf for extra storage space. It looks pretty bare now - we'll be getting some play food to put in there.

I used a cookie sheet for the oven shelf.

And we even put a little tap light in there for the oven light.

I pretty much love how it turned out! Hopefully it will bring the kids many hours of enjoyment!
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  1. Wow, that is a huge project to undertake! It turned great, a huge step up from the plastic ones that most people have (myself included :)). Good work!!

  2. You did such a great job, I love it!

  3. I'm fairly certain that this is the most incredible play kitchen I've ever seen! :)
