Sunday, May 5, 2013

PJ's Birthday

Peyton's birthday was on a Friday. Rog was able to take the day off and we had such a fun day celebrating our little girl!

We hung balloons from her door and down the stairs - she loved them!

The first thing she saw when we went downstairs was her play kitchen. Of course she'd seen it before while we were working on it, but this time it was finished!

She likes it!

We had muffins for breakfast.

And then we let her open a few presents. She got some very cute clothes from her Grandma and Grandpa Phillips and a Disney Princess Cupcake Cookbook from us (for her read). (Her want was the play kitchen, her need was pots and pans because if you have a play kitchen you need pots and pans, and her wear is an apron that is still in progress.)

She wanted to put on one of her skirts from Grandma right away and she's brought it to me a few times since then to have me put it on her. I think we've got a girly girl in the making.

After her morning nap and lunch we headed over to Thanksgiving Point for the Tulip Festival. It was a beautiful day and the tulips did not disappoint!

Although the kids were much more interested in checking out the big fish than the flowers.

And they loved the waterfall.

But soon it was time for the birthday girl's afternoon nap, so we had to head out.

For dinner we went over to the Petrosino's where they were having a barbecue to celebrate Bill's graduation from UVU that morning. Mariah made Peyton a special birthday cookie with the peanut butter M&Ms left out. (She knows my sister, Diana, is allergic to peanuts and we're careful about when we introduce them.)

By then the kids were very ready for bed. Peyton got to wear her nightgown for the first time. I just love this picture of her checking it out, especially with her chubby thighs poking out!

It was a full day celebrating our favorite little one year old!
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