Monday, July 29, 2013

24th of July

Our day started out bright and early with the Speedy Spaniard 10K. I woke up and got to the race myself, but Rog and the kidlets were up early as well to meet me at the finish line.

My goal was to finish in under 52 minutes and I did it in 51:10 - an 8:13 pace. I had trained well and was very pleased with my race. Most of all I was just happy that I was able to train for a race longer than a 5K without my IT band giving me problems.

My battle wound.

I only had time for a quick shower and then we were off to the Fiesta Days parade. I was able to put out a blanket the night before to claim our spot - one of the perks of living in a smaller town. We had a front row seat and we didn't even have to sleep out to reserve it!

The kids had fun watching all the floats.

But their favorite part was collecting the candy, otter pops, and other treats that were thrown out.

The "float" that stole the show was the 2,000 stripling warriors. It was an awe-inspiring sight to see 2,000 teens and their leaders walking to represent the 2,000 stripling warriors in the Book of Mormon. We even spotted our bishop and some of the young men in our ward.

Of course Cosmo was a family favorite.

It was fun to see people we know - like our cute neighbor, Hazel, with her karate school and the kids' pediatrician walking with the Canyon View Medical Group float.

All in all, it was an enjoyable way to spend the morning. (It helped a lot that it was overcast.) We may even be able to convince Rog, the parade hater, to go again next year.

Peyton made our afternoon by climbing onto the water table to test out the water. (This girl. Oh how we love her!)

The Petrosinos joined us for a BBQ complete with hamburgers, hot dogs, grilled corn on the cob, beans, tropical slaw (from the OBB Savoring the Seasons cookbook - it was amazing!), and raspberry lemonade.

Then we headed over to the Fiesta Days carnival. We snuck Peyton on this ride even though she wasn't quite tall enough. Aren't they just too cute riding together?!

Rog, Corbyn, and I rode a scrambler ride and almost smashed Rog. And we finished off our tickets with a carousel ride. Peyton wasn't too sure about it until it started moving and then she loved it!

We shared a snow cone and then called it a day. And what a day it was!

We love Spanish Fork's Fiesta Days!
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