Friday, July 26, 2013

Five on Friday

1. Monday night Rog decided we needed to do indoor s'mores because he was feeling sad he didn't have any on our camping trip. They were good, but there's something about doing them outside that makes them feel more authentic.

2. My parents house is looking a lot like a house these days. It's fun for us to drive up there every few days and see the progress they're making on it.

3. Our whole family has been battling a pesky summer cold this week. Fortunately we were all healthy enough to enjoy the 24th of July festivities (more on this to come), but unfortunately the worst of it hit me the next day just when I was supposed to be hosting dinner group.

4. I saw this preview for Disney's new movie, Saving Mr. Banks, coming out this December and I haven't been able to stop watching it. It looks so cute and I just love Tom Hanks as Walt Disney.

5. We visited the BYU Bookstore for a few minutes this afternoon while the Jar bought a few of his textbooks. (They're up visiting for the weekend.) Corbyn was loving these stairs. That's my boy! Go cougars!!

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1 comment:

  1. I hadn't heard about that movie at all and the trailer looks so good, thanks for sharing!
